Do I need an attorney?

Do I need an attorney?
June 13, 2016 Author


The insurance companies won’t tell you that even their own research proves that people who are represented by attorneys end up with almost three and one-half times more money than people who try to settle with the insurance company on their own. The Insurance Research Council, a research organization funded by the insurance companies, did a study comparing what people received for the same injury when they were represented by attorneys versus what people received when they were not represented by an attorney. The Insurance Research Council determined that people who had attorneys received almost three and one-half times more, and that was after the attorney’s fees were paid. That means for example, that if an insurance company is willing to pay someone who is not represented by an attorney $7,000, then a person with the same injury who is represented by an attorney would have received almost three and one-half times that amount, or almost $25,000 – an extra $18,000 in the pocket of the injured person, after attorney’s fees were paid. This means that with an attorney, the same case that settled for $7,000 would have settled for $35,000 with an attorney and, after attorney’s fees of one-third of the settlement, the injured person would have received $25,000 in their pocket, an extra $18,000 more than the person who did not get an attorney.

It is important to remember that this is the insurance company’s own research that shows people receive more money when they have an attorney. That is why the insurance company does not want you to know this, because if you knew this, you would get an attorney and the insurance company would end up paying you a lot more for your injuries. In another example of this, if the insurance company would have paid $10,000 to a person who did not have an attorney, the same person represented by an attorney would have walked away with $35,000 in their pocket, $25,000 more in their pocket than the person who did not get an attorney. That means the case would have settled for almost $52,000 and, after attorney’s fees of one-third of the settlement, the person represented by an attorney would have received $35,000, an extra $25,000 more in their pocket than the person who didn’t get an attorney.

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