The Statute of Limitations is a set of laws that prevents legal actions from beginning after a specific time period. These laws are applied to criminal and civil cases and are meant to protect both parties in any issue.
A wrongful death occurs when a person dies as a result of an injury caused by another person or entity. The person does not have to die instantly, but they must die as a direct result of the injuries received in the accident. If your loved one dies from a wrongful act, Florida Statute of Limitations provides you with two years to file a claim for compensation from the date of death.
Time Is Always Of The Essence
It is very important that if your loved one dies as the result of an accident caused by negligence, you should seek the services of Jacksonville wrongful death lawyers as soon as possible. Even though you have two years to file an action for compensation, filing in a more timely manner allows your attorneys to prepare a better case on your behalf.
As many Jacksonville wrongful death lawyers will explain, memories fade over time, stories change, and witnesses to events become harder to track down. By opting to quickly file a lawsuit on behalf of your lost loved one, you are protecting your rights and ensuring that all the necessary evidence needed to prove your case will not be lost or tainted.
Protect your rights as a victim of a wrongful death by speaking to an attorney in a timely manner. Your attorney can handle many things on your behalf concerning this case and your demand for compensation. This will allow you to have the time you need to concentrate on the healing process and not worry about legal issues during your time of need.