By definition, a wrongful death is described as a death that results from an accident or injury that was not intentional. For example, a person dies in a car accident that was caused by another driver. That death would be considered a wrongful death and would be covered by the liability policy responsible for the event.
Liability insurance will only cover a wrongfully occuring death event if it is within the guidelines of their policy. Workers compensation, for instance, only covers work related deaths, while car insurance policies only cover events related to vehicles. Business owners and home owners policies will only cover a wrongful death for accidents that occur as the result of an issue with the property.
Wrongful deaths which occur as an act of a criminal event are not covered under these policies. This does not mean that surviving family members cannot seek compensation for their losses under these circumstances; they just have to go about this in a different legal manner.
To understand more about your rights as a surviving family member in the event of a wrongfully occurring death, you are encouraged to speak with a Jacksonville wrongful death lawyer about your case. Your attorney will explain to you your rights under Florida law as a surviving family member and what forms of compensation you are entitled to receive.
If your Jacksonville wrongful death lawyer determines that your case is not covered under a liability policy, they will guide you with the correct legal information on what steps you will need to take to seek compensation for your losses.