When a rear-end accident takes place, many people automatically assume that the person in the rear car is at fault. While this is the case in many of these accidents, it is not always true. Establishing fault for an accident is important, even in a no-fault state like Florida.
The first part of establishing fault is determining if there was a “care of duty.” This simply means was there reason to believe that all the drivers involved were required to act in a responsible manner when they were operating their vehicles. Of course the answer to this is “yes.”
The second thing that must be proven in a rear- end accident case is that this duty was breached by the actions of the driver. This entails establishing fault for the accident. Once this occurs, your Jacksonville personal injury lawyer can seek compensation for your losses.
Seeking Compensation
Your Jacksonville personal injury lawyer will seek compensation for your losses when the other driver is at fault. Some of the forms of compensation that your attorney will seek include:
- Medical expenses relating to the injury both now and in the future
- Damages to your vehicle
- Lost wages both current and future relating to the injury
- Lost benefits both current and future
- Extended medical care costs
- Expenses related to your care
Your attorney will closely review all of your losses and determine your actual losses based on your specific case and injuries.
Important Things To Remember About Compensation
IT is very important to remember that every case is unique. Injuries sustained by one person will not be the same as those by another. The facts of the case and the causes will also be very unique to the situation.
It is impossible, and generally unprofessional, for your attorney to make any guarantees about the amount of compensation that you will receive. All cases must be approached on an individual basis and handled accordingly. Compensation can only be based on the actual facts of the case.